Open Source Physics Singapore 应用

Levels of Damping SHM Lab 0.0.1
Levels of Damping in Simple Harmonic Motion, from open sourcephysics Singapore
Car Damping SHM Virtual Lab 0.0.1
Car Damping Vertical Simple Harmonic Motion, Open Source PhysicsSingapore
Light Lens Simulator 0.0.4
an open source physics simulation on Thin Lens for Ordinary Level.
Pendulum not SHM? Virtual Lab 0.0.1
Pendulum vs SHM, an open source physics at Singapore simulation
Simple Harmonic x vs v Lab 0.0.1
Simple Harmonic Motion, an open source physics at Singaporesimulation
3D Nets of Cube for Brain Deve 0.0.2
3-D representation of cube, cuboid ,open source physics atSingapore simulation
Isometric View of Cylinder 3D 0.0.1
an Math application of open source physics at Singapore simulation
Simple Harmonic x vs a Lab 0.0.1
Simple Harmonic Motion, an open source physics at Singaporesimulation
AC Generator 3D Virtual Lab 0.0.2
an open source physics simulation on Alternating Current Generatorfor O Level.
Speed Virtual Lab Primary Sch 0.0.1
Speed of 2 Objects Virtual Lab for Primary Level Maths
Resonance Simulator Lab 0.0.1
Forced and Damp Resonance Simple Harmonic Motion, an open sourcephysics SG
Kinematics of Car Simulator 0.0.1
an open source physics at Singapore simulation Kinematics of Carwith Tracker
Vertical SHM Simulator Lab 0.0.1
Vertical Simple Harmonic Motion, an open source physics atSingapore simulation
Simple Harmonic EnergyTime Lab 0.0.1
Simple Harmonic Motion Energy Time, open source physics atSingapore simulation
Collision Carts Simulator 0.0.4
an open source physics at Singapore simulation on Collision Cartfor A Level
Oscilloscope Simulator 0.0.1
an open source physics at Singapore simulation on Oscilloscope forO Level.
Rutherford Atomic Virtual Lab 0.0.1
open source physics Singapore simulation on Rutherford Experimentfor A Level.
Ammeter Damping SHM VirtualLab 0.0.1
Ammeter Angular Damping Simple Harmonic Motion, open source physicsSingapore
Brownian Motion Simulator 0.0.1
an open source physics simulation on Brownian Motion for O Level.
Micrometer Simulator 0.1.13
an open source physics at Singapore simulation on Micrometer for OLevel.
Vernier Calipers Simulator 0.1.15
an open source physics at Singapore simulation on Vernier Calipersfor O Level.
DC Motor 3D Simulator Lab 0.0.4
an open source physics simulation Direct Current Motor in 3D for OLevel.
Light Intensity Lab 0.0.1
Thin Lens Light Intensity for O Level, an open source physics atSingapore
Earth Gravity Field 2D Lab 0.0.3
Earth Gravity Field 2D Lab , an open source physics at Singaporesimulation
Solar System 3D 0.0.2
Solar Kepler System 3D Lab , an open source physics at Singaporesimulation
Geostationary Orbit 3D Lab 0.0.2
an open source physics at Singapore simulation on GeostationaryEarth Orbit 3D
Moon Phases 0.0.28
Gravity Tidal Earth Moon Sun, an open source physics at Singaporesimulation
Simple Harmonic x vs t Lab 0.0.1
Simple Harmonic Motion, an open source physics at Singaporesimulation
Read Weighing Scale Simulator 0.1.28
Read a Mass Scale Virtual Lab for Primary Level Maths
Pendulum Simulator Virtual Lab 0.0.1
Pendulum virtual lab, an open source physics at Singaporesimulation
Kinematics Simulator 0.0.9
an open source physics at Singapore simulation HorizontalKinematics of Car
PhotoElectric Effect Simulator 0.0.5
an open source physics simulation on PhotoElectric Effect for ALevel.
Vernier Caliper Simulator Pro 0.0.16
an open source physics simulation on Vernier Calipers for O Level.
Micrometer Simulator Pro 0.0.18
an open source physics simulation on Micrometer for Ordinary Level.
Free Fall Simulator 0.0.5
an open source physics at Singapore simulation Free Fall of a ball
Earth Moon Escape Velocity Sim 0.0.1
Earth Moon Escape Velocity 1D Virtual Lab , an open source physicssimulation
Forced Simple Harmonic Lab 0.0.1
Forced Simple Harmonic Motion, an open source physics at Singaporesimulation
Polarizer Analyzer Toolkit 0.0.2
an open source physics data logger of light intensity from backcamera or front
Friction Slope Simulator Toy 0.0.3
Accelerometer for Mass Friction Lab , created using open sourcephysics
Gravity Field Strength Lab 0.0.2
About an open source physics at Singapore simulation based oncodeswritten by Anne Cox, Wolfgang Christian, Francisco EsquembreandLoo Kang WEE. more resources can be foundhere object sets up a gravitational field arounditself due to itsmass. When two objects enter each other’sgravitational fields, theywill be attracted towards each other.Hence, a gravitational fieldis a region of space in which anyobject that lies in it experiencesa gravitational force towardsthe object that creates the field, dueto its mass. This is a Labthat allows the exploration of this in aone dimensional space.Interesting Fact This app produce realnumbers to coincident withthe real world data. Acknowledgement Mysincere gratitude for thetireless contributions of FranciscoEsquembre, Fu-Kwun Hwang,Wolfgang Christian, Félix Jesús GarciaClemente, Anne Cox, AndrewDuffy, Todd Timberlake and many more inthe Open Source Physicscommunity. I have designed much of the abovebased on their ideasand insights. This research is supported by theeduLab projectNRF2015-EDU001-EL021 , awarded by the Prime MinisterOffice,National Research Foundation (NRF), Singapore incollaboration withNational Institute of Education (NIE), Singaporeand the Ministryof Education (MOE), Singapore.reference: together? FaceBook FanPage: DigitalLibrary:
Compare Fractions for Primary 0.0.3
Compare Fractions Interactive ,an open source physics at Singaporesimulation
Clock Interactive for Teaching 0.0.21
About An open source physics at Singapore simulation based oncodeswritten by Fu-Kwun Hwang , Félix Jesús Garcia Clemente and LooKangWEE. more resources can be foundhere teaching simulation starts running immediatelyshowing the realworld time. The seconds (RED) hand is hidden bydefault to make theview simple. The view is simple with just thehour ( BLUE) andminute (MAGENTA or easier to call it PINK?) hands.The interactiveelements are shown as cross-hair circles on thehour, minute andsecond hands that automatically compute therespective positions.The teaching mode is created to help peoplerealize 6H55M isactually 6H55M and not 7H55M as the hour handreally points veryclosely to 7 for example. The non teaching modeis also availablewhich shows the analog display in most realclocks. The simulationworks best and need to be paused for userinputs via the drop-downmenu to select various show/hideproperties The hints 'words show'is also designed to help childrenrealized the logic of the Englishlanguage such as 'half pasthour'. some people may drag to 2H10Mposition on the clock face,thinking that it is 2H, so you need towatch out for that andaddress that learning difficulty. Reset thesimulation will put itback to its original set. Enjoy! Rate the appand share what youthink will help people learn. I will try to addnew features iftime permits :) Interesting Fact This app isespecially design toteach clock reading. Acknowledgement My sinceregratitude for thetireless contributions of Francisco Esquembre,Fu-Kwun Hwang,Wolfgang Christian, Félix Jesús Garcia Clemente, AnneCox, AndrewDuffy, Todd Timberlake and many more in the Open SourcePhysicscommunity. I have designed much of the above based on theirideasand insights, and I thank the OSP community for whichSingapore washonored with 2015-6 UNESCO King Hamad Bin IsaAl-Khalifa Prize forthe Use of ICTs in Education.
Even Odd Multiples Factors Simulator 0.0.15
About An open source physics at Singapore simulation based on codeswritten by Loo Kang WEE more resources can be found here Primary 2 1 WHOLE NUMBERS Numbers up to 10 000 Include: •number notation and place values (thousands, hundreds, tens, ones),• reading and writing numbers in numerals and in words, • comparingand ordering numbers, • odd and even numbers, • number patternsPrimary 4 1 Whole Numbers Factors and multiples Include: •determining if a 1-digit number is a factor of a given number, •listing all factors of a given number up to 100, • finding thecommon factors of two given numbers, • recognising the relationshipbetween factor and multiple, • determining if a number is amultiple of a given 1-digit number, • listing the first 12multiples of a given 1-digit number, • finding the common multiplesof two given 1-digit numbers. Exclude 'highest common factor'(H.C.F.) and 'lowest common multiple’ (L.C.M.). Primary 5Foundation Mathematics (Calculator is allowed unless otherwisestated) 1 Whole Numbers Factors and multiples Include: •determining if a 1-digit number is a factor of a given number, •listing all factors of a given number up to 100, • finding thecommon factors of two given numbers, • recognising the relationshipbetween factor and multiple, • determining if a number is amultiple of a given 1-digit number, • listing the first 12multiples of a given 1-digit number, • finding the common multiplesof two given numbers up to 12. Exclude 'highest common factor'(H.C.F.) and 'lowest common multiple’ (L.C.M.). reference: Fact This simulation written by ordinary educatorteacher, i am not a professional programmer or vendor. ProjectSSTRF_2017_ETD_3 Explore-Useful Learning Math Apps, please to participate in testing the apps for PrimaryMath Singapore. Acknowledgement My sincere gratitude for thetireless contributions of Francisco Esquembre, Fu-Kwun Hwang,Wolfgang Christian, Félix Jesús Garcia Clemente, Anne Cox, AndrewDuffy, Todd Timberlake and many more in the Open Source Physicscommunity.
Tamil Primary 1 Lesson 3A 0.0.1
About An language learning interactive written by Loo KangWEE,Félix Jesús Garcia Clemente and Sumathi. more resources canbefoundhere sincere gratitude for the tireless contributionsof FranciscoEsquembre, Fu-Kwun Hwang, Wolfgang Christian, FélixJesús GarciaClemente, Anne Cox, Andrew Duffy, Todd Timberlake andmany more inthe Open Source Physics community. Network Learntogether? FaceBookFanPage: DigitalLibrary:
Newton Mountain Simulator 0.0.2
About an open source physics at Singapore simulation based oncodeswritten by Todd Timberlake, Fu-Kwun Hwang, Francisco EsquembreandLoo Kang WEE. more resources can be foundhere object projected horizontally near the Earth’ssurface followsparabolic trajectories as shown ( v = 0 red, v =2000 green, v =4000 blue, v = 6000 yellow and v = 8000 teal) . Asthe speed ofprojection v increases, the object will reach a speedapproximatelyv = 7888 m/s where the trajectory follows thecurvature of theEarth’s surface If air resistance is negligible,the object willorbit round the Earth continuously and will nevermeet the Earth’ssurface such as speed v 8000 red m/s and v = 10000m/s green. Manyman-made satellites move in circular orbits aroundthe Earth. Thefirst man-made satellite, the “Sputnik 1”, waslaunched by SovietUnion in 1957. Since then, thousands ofsatellites have beenlaunched into orbit around the Earth. The onlyforce acting on asatellite in a circular orbit (achieved bylaunching horizontally atvx =7276.69 m/s at height above Earthsurface H = 0.185 RE where RE= 6370 000 m is the radius of Earth,is the Earth’s gravitationalforce. The gravitational force (redarrow is directed towards thecentre of Earth) is also the thecentre of the circular orbit. Thisis a Lab that allows theexploration of this in a two dimensionalspace. Interesting FactThis app produce real numbers to coincidentwith the real worlddata. Acknowledgement My sincere gratitude forthe tirelesscontributions of Francisco Esquembre, Fu-Kwun Hwang,WolfgangChristian, Félix Jesús Garcia Clemente, Anne Cox, AndrewDuffy,Todd Timberlake and many more in the Open Source Physicscommunity.I have designed much of the above based on their ideasandinsights. This research is supported by the eduLabprojectNRF2015-EDU001-EL021 , awarded by the Prime MinisterOffice,National Research Foundation (NRF), Singapore incollaboration withNational Institute of Education (NIE), Singaporeand the Ministryof Education (MOE), Singapore.reference: together? FaceBook FanPage: DigitalLibrary:
Even Odd Multiples Factors Sim 0.0.15
Numbers 1 to 100 for Primary Level Maths exploring even oddmultiples and factor
Double Pendulum Simulator 0.0.1
Double Pendulum virtual lab, an open source physics at Singaporesimulation
Read Weighing Scale Simulator 0.0.21
Read a Mass Scale Virtual Lab for Primary Level Maths
Sound Spectrum Analyzer 0.0.12
an open source physics data logger of sound intensity/frequencyfrom phone mic
Vector Sum Graphical Method 0.0.2
an open source physics at Singapore Vector Sum Graphical Method forO Level.